Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9: The Toys

When I woke up this morning and found that today's challenge was to organize the toys, I was so thankful that little man doesn't have too many toys. I think it's ridiculous how many toys some kids have. 

Now I know we have YEARS to accumulate more. But, right now he's a little over 5 months old and would be perfectly content chewing on Sophie all day long, and indeed he does spend the greater part of his day doing just that.

 Best $17 I ever spent!

So thankfully, we already have everything neatly contained in a basket by the couch as we spend most of our time playing on the couch or on the floor in the living room. He does have some bigger toys that don't fit in the basket, but there really is no way to organize those.

Here's our basket-o-toys:

And our books:

I picked up that little book holder a few years ago at a yard sale for a buck or two. It has come in such handy! Little man loves to read and with this little holder all we have to do is reach over and pick one (or three) out instead of going to his room to pick one up off his bookcase. And I think it's super cute too!

So today was kind of like a free day for me. Yay! 

I still have laundry and cleaning to do though. Boo.

Happy Tuesday!

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  1. my kids are those kids that have ridiculous amount of toys and i hate it.

    i dream of just having a small basket of toys. cute shelf.

  2. Love your little book holder!
    Yeah, my kids have too many toys. It's hard when grandparents keep spoiling them hahah!
    I've heard awesome things about Sophie! Maybe I'll have to give it a try with this next baby.
    Keep up the good work! And your little man is such a cutie! :)

  3. Great way to contain the baby goodness. What an adorable boy! :) awwwww
