Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mother's Day

Is it weird to be shopping online for your own Mother's day gift? Probably, huh? ;) 

I'm obsessed with those cute personalized "mommies" necklaces from Lisa Leonard, but can't bring myself to spend that much on one. So I decided to search around etsy for a more affordable option.

While browsing I came across this necklace and am in love with it for two reasons:
1. It's a lot cheaper than the other option and
2. I always sing "You are my sunshine" to Morgan. Perfect right? The necklace is made for me ;)

I think I might have to email the link to a certain little boys daddy. That would be a subtle hint, no?

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Pom Poms!

Since we moved into the new place, Morgan's room has needed a little something added to it as the room is a little bigger than the last and it has higher ceilings. 

So, yesterday I decided to try my hand at making some of the tissue paper pom pom's I've seen all over the internet. I think they turned out great and add great color and a little height to balance out the tall ceilings. 

8 sheets of tissue paper per pom  

(ETA: After living with these for a few days, I've decided that next time I will use more sheets so that they are fuller. So experiment to find your desired fullness).

floral wire (I bought mine at the dollar tree)
fishing line

Mine cost about $1.50 each to make as I already had the floral wire and fishing line on hand. 

Step 1: Distract the baby with toys.

Step 2: Stack your 8 sheets of tissue paper, starting at one end, fold the length of the paper accordion style with each fold about 1.5 inches.

Step 3: Wrap floral wire around the middle of the accordion fold you have created to secure.

Step 4: Trim each end. You can make it rounded like mine, or pointed for a different, more floral-y effect. 

Step 5: Tie a piece of fishing line around the floral wire for hanging.

Step 6: Gently pull apart the sheets of tissue paper pulling towards the center. Then shape it so that it looks more rounded.

That's all folks! If my instructions were confusing, you can check out this link for instructions from the Queen of craft herself.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Big 1!

As the wedding sneaks up on us, so does another huge celebration. My little man will be 1 year old just 2 weeks after the wedding! I always thought we wouldn't have a huge shindig because that's just not my style. A lot times it seems like huge birthday parties for kids are all about the presents, and that is so not what I want his birthday to be about. But, now that his birthday is coming up waaaay too fast, a huge celebration of his first year is all that I can think about. In fact, I already have the theme picked out! :) 

We are going with a vintage baseball theme. I think it's perfect for a little boy and of course Daddy loves the idea. I'm most excited about the vintage flair ;) 

A few inspirational images for your viewing pleasure:

 Images courtesy of Little Miss Momma

Image courtesy of Tin Parade
Image courtesy of Kara's Party Ideas

I'm pretty pumped...can't wait for the DIY to I don't already have enough with the wedding!

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

 I am totally having an OMGheisnevergoingtobethistinyagain moment.

Tell me again, why do they have to grow up so fast?
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wedding Planning

Well, all the big things have been set in stone for a couple of months now. Venues? Check. Caterer? Check. Florist? Check. DJ? Check. Photographer? Check. But boy, you never know all the little details that go into planning a wedding until, well you're planning a wedding! Especially when you're a detail oriented person myself. A lot of the things I'm putting so much thought and effort into may even go unnoticed by my guests, but I want them, and they make me happy so I'm doing them anyways. 

As I peruse weddings blogs (....multiple times a day), my DIY project list just gets longer and longer. There are so many cool ideas out there it's hard to know when to stop, or how to make decisions. I still am not 100% sure what I want to do for a "guest book" because there are so many unique ideas out there that I love. All I know for sure, is it won't be your traditional guest book where you just sign your name. I don't need to take attendance ;) 

The biggest DIY project by far has been the invitations. There's the designing (and redesigning), printing, cutting, gluing, envelopes to pick, fonts to select...yada, yada, yada. And with a little baby (almost 9 months!!) to keep up with (and keep out of things he doesn't belong in!) it's taken even longer to complete them. I'm hoping that I can complete them in the next week or two just so I have some peace of mind and can cross them off the to-do list - and move on to the next project on the list! 

Well, I'm just rambling now....I wish I could share some more specific details of my projects, but I don't want to give everything away before the big day :) I'll leave you with a wedding that I recently came across that I found very inspiring. Bakers twine, bunting, and paper straws - oh my!

*Link* Enjoy.
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