Saturday, December 25, 2010

we had ourselves a merry little christmas

Despite spending the first 8 or so hours of Christmas day at work with the old folks, Frank and I had a wonderful 1st Christmas with little man.

Our afternoon and evening were filled with playing with new toys, reading a Christmas story, opening presents, napping (Morgan, not us - boo!), eating yummy food and spending time with family.

Morgan, of course, looked adorable for the occasion. But seriously, when does the kid not look absolutely adorable. I may be a tad bit biased, but I'm pretty sure he's the coolest thing since - cooler than sliced bread.

He spent the morning in a cute 1st Christmas sleeper and santa hat that was mine when I was a babe! I was born in March...Morgan was born in July and it fit him perfectly. You do the math.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see him in it because he wasn't up when I left for work and he was already changed out of it by time I got off. *tear*

I saw some adorable pics on my mom's phone though that really did bring a tear to my eye. It sucks big time that I missed it. Verizon was being stupid today so I can't load them on here. You'll have to take my word for it and use your imagination ::insert chubby cheeks, santa hat, and little man covered in red from head to toe::.

Anyways, here are some pics captured today that I can share with you. Enjoy.

 Chubby cheeks!! Squeee!!!

 Obligatory diaper pic. Look at those rolls!!

 He was pretty cranky at this point and fighting a nap.

 Morgan looks like a deer in head lights, Frank looks like he's posing for a mug shot, but damn it, I'm smiling!

Daddy opening a present for Morgan.

Finally succumbed to the nap. Zonked out at the dinner table.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. I know I sure did!


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