Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hello, my name's Ashley...

....and I'm a blog-a-holic. It's true.

I think it's partly because I inherited some of my moms voyeurism and partly because there are so many cool ideas out there in the blog-o-sphere

Frank probably thinks I'm crazy because since I've gotten into reading blogs I have become a weekly frequenter of Goodwill for trash to treasures and the Dollar Tree for thrifty craft supplies. 

I thought I'd share what I'm reading and where I get my inspiration. Here is a list of what's on my Google Reader

If you are into reading blogs, definitely set up a Google Reader account, it helps you keep everything in one spot and keep track of what posts you've read and what's new. You can also get it on your phone so you have reading material anywhere and everywhere (...waiting in line, on the toilet....). 

I do a lot of my blog reading on my phone, one handed, while I'm feeding little man at 4:30am. What did I ever do without a smart phone?

Anyways onto the list of blogs I <3

Young House Love (My absolute favorite!)

See? I wasn't kidding. :) Happy Reading.


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