Saturday, January 1, 2011

The one about cloth diapers: Part One

 Why I Decided to Cloth Diaper
This is a really personal, long winded post that oddly enough has very little to do with cloth diapering. I'm writing from my heart people. Oh yea, and I'm going to talk about boobs. You've been warned.

I failed at breastfeeding and the guilt is overwhelming. I was one of those people who was so gung-ho about it too. I just knew it was going to work. It couldn't be that hard because hey, it's natural, right? No. 

Sure it's natural. But, it certainly isn't easy. Actually, I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said it was one of the biggest challenges I have ever been faced with. And I failed at it.

I guess for some people it may come pretty easy, but I seemed to hit every road block there was engorgement (boobs the size of watermelons, seriously. and hard as rocks. oww.), thrush, latch issues, raw nipples.... Are you wincing yet? Yea, it wasn't fun.

There was no oxytocin "high" for me. Actually, if anything I felt like it was inhibiting my bonding with little man, because I was soooo frustrated and could feel myself slipping down that slippery slope towards depression.

So after about 3 weeks of crying much of the time he ate. I decided to give formula a try. It was such an instant relief. I could get a break and have someone else give him a bottle. I could hold my little man and enjoy feeding him. I could feed him without getting frustrated with him or myself.

Although I regret it often and wish I would have persevered, I know I made the right decision at the time. 

So what the heck does all of this have to do with cloth diapering? 

Well, after I quite breastfeeding, I pretty much wanted to try anything and everything that would "make up" for me not breastfeeding. What could I do better and healthier for my little man than what I was already doing?

I then decided to look into cloth diapering. We did a diaper trial and I fell in love with it and have never looked back. I absolutely love it. It is better for my baby's bum than disposables (no offense to "sposie" users), they are better for the environment (I have been trying to be greener), and they are so freakin' adorable. Seriously, nothing cuter than a fluffy butt! 

So that is the round about way we came to using cloth diapers. In summary, it had a little to do with health and the environment and a whole lot to do with mommy guilt and the cuteness factor.



  1. Don't feel guilty about breastfeeding, you did what was best for you and the little guy. You are too hard on yourself, I think you made the best choice because you did what made you both happy instead of staying with something that led to such frustration. It takes a lot of guts to do that and you are an awesome mommy for it!

  2. You didn't fail, my sweet child. Is that word even in your vocabulary?

  3. Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do and you shouldn't feel guilty about it. I dealt with some of those things you talked about. I thought my older son would NEVER learn what to do. I dealt with blisters, bleeding, pain... it wasn't fun. My daughter never nursed because of her health problems, but my younger son was a champ, even though I got mastitis THREE TIMES. Now that is some serious pain! LOL

    I never ventured down the cloth diaper road.
