Thursday, January 6, 2011

just another thursday

Well I kinda slacked the past two days with my blogging. 

I had every intention of getting a post up yesterday for Day 4  (organize your linen closet)of the organization challenge , but in order to do that I had to wash a couple of loads of towels and by time they were done it was time to head off to bed. 

So you'll have to trust me on this one. I did organize the linen closet, but there are no photo worthy bins or baskets. Everything is simply neatly stacked. Nothing exciting to see, so I'm not even going to bother with the pictures. 
I organized under the kitchen sink (today's challenge) a few weeks ago. I'll take pics of that set-up tomorrow and do a post on that. 

Today I was busy cleaning up the kitchen (I had a mountain of dishes thanks to Frank cleaning out the fridge for me - thanks babe!) and just more of the everyday mess that seems to accumulate around this place. 

We also did a little mini photo shoot with little man for an upcoming project I'm excited to post when it's complete. 

Finally, we finished the day off at Grandma and Grandpa's with pizza and gift opening with family friends. Morgan and I both received beautiful ornaments to add to our tree next year. 

I also got a Target gift card. Woop woop. Can't wait to do some damage there. :) 

So anyways, I guess this post was one lengthy excuse for not posting my before and after pics for two days worth of challenges and also for not posting an embrace the camera thursday pic. Mama wasn't wearing any makeup when she was taking all those pics of the adorable little man. So, I shall snap one of those tomorrow as well.

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