Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2...on Day 4

Well I we finally finished Day 2's organization challenge...on Day 4. 

Full disclosure: Little man and I may or may not have spent a good portion of it hanging out on the couch while Frank put the new desk together :)

Anyways, we were waiting for our new desk to arrive before we tackled that mess in the corner of our living room. 
And boy was it a mess. It took Frank nearly all afternoon to assemble the new desk, unplug all the computer cords and parts, get rid of the old desk, and then replug in all the cords and parts of the computer on top of the new desk. 

And the dusting. Yuck. You wouldn't believe the dust bunnies! 

Fun fact - Dust in your house is mostly made up of dry skin. Ewww. Apparently we need to do some more moisturizing over at our casa. And dusting. Yes, that would probably be good too :)

Oh and another side note: I really wish he would upgrade (downgrade?) to a laptop like moi.  All those cords are driving me carazay! So please ignore them in the after pictures. We will have to wrangle those guys another day. 

So here is the before pic: 

And the after:

That mouse pad has got to go. I'm thinking something with a big fat picture of little man's mug would be fabulous!

 I picked up that turquoise canning jar at Goodwill today for just this purpose. I'm in LOVE with these jars lately.

My pictures really don't do the desk justice. I WILL have a nice, new camera one of these days.

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1 comment:

  1. Very nice! That new desk is schnazzy!

    I don't like cords either! They annoy me immensely - especially when I'd like to put something against the wall, but can't because I have to allow room for all the cords coming out of it! UGH!
