Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here we go again!

Well, I did a little blogging while I was pregnant with little man. Although I must admit using the word "blog" to describe it is a being rather generous. It mostly consisted of weekly updates via survey format of how me and the bambino were getting along. Ya know wonderful tidbits about the amazingness that is my cervix or how many god forsaken times I had to wake up and pee every night, that kind of thing. Good stuff.

Well don't get the wrong idea, I plan to do just as much over sharing this go around and talk about my kid till I'm blue in the face because he is my all time favorite topic and the kid has a good firm grip on my brain these days.

I also plan to write about my crafting/decorating/DIY adventures as this is my latest hobby. 

Excuse the ugly format until I can pretty it up after the little man is fast asleep tonight. Hence the name of the blog. It's not so easy to crank out a blog post when he's digging his claws into my arms (his awful mother is too terrified to clip his nails on a regular basis) or pulling on  my hair - hell I've lost enough of that already thanks to lovely post-partum hair loss, I need to salvage all I can!

Until then...


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