Friday, December 24, 2010

He likes it, he really likes it!

liWe tried oatmeal again this morning.

Side note: Why do parents say "we tried"? I wouldn't have eaten that crap if you paid me.

Let's try that again. Little man tried oatmeal again and *gasp* he liked it! He ate all of it. And by all I mean 1 teaspoon, but this is progress, people. Last time he tongue thrusted out nearly every bit I gave him.

Next up on the menu is avocado! I can't wait to see his face all covered in green. Maybe we'll try this before the morning bath. Yea, that would probably be best.

If you're reading this and you have a little man/girl of your own, check out this site for great tips, recipes, and advice on starting baby on solids. Gone are the days when you have to start with rice and then veggies. That's all a crock (although no one has filled our dumb pedi in on this, but that's another story). You can start with any of the stage 1 foods as long as you introduce no sooner than 3 days apart to check for allergies.

I'll leave you with some pics of our morning cereal adventure:
 "Oh, the bib wasn't on the menu?"


 This oatmeal business is funny.

Bring on the avocado!


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